Posts Tagged ‘spiritual warfare’

This blog is a joint venture between myself and my teenager. One day we both had “a day” and realized perhaps we aren’t the only ones out there that struggle. I know I’ve heard time and again that Christians have easy lives and are hypocrites. I spend enough time with kids, teens, and watch their parents to know life is anything but easy, especially for a young person.

This blog is our way of venting, but being authentic, and letting you know if you feel like we do, you aren’t alone, and you matter. Our hope is you are encouraged, challenged, and inspired as you read our posts.

As for me, what’s a mom to do when she reads a post like the one her teen just wrote above? TBH, it depends on the day. Some days I’m full of faith and I’m on my knees because I know the battle against my child and their friends is a spiritual one. I totally get that this age group is ripe and IMO, the ones that will lead the way for the church to experience the greatest awakening the world has EVER known. With that kind of movement, expect some opposition. It’s no shock to me that kids are committing suicide at younger and younger ages, that bullying is off the charts, and cutting is the relief kids are seeking because all the other answers aren’t working for them. It’s a spiritual battle, and I am a mom that literally and prayerfully wears combat boots.

Then there are other days I want to put on the pretend clothes the kids used when they were younger.  My child admitting depression? Hand me the doctor’s kit and tool belt because I want to fix this. I want to take the people that hurt their feelings and put the fear of God in some wounded bullies and their IMO, checked-out parents. I want to run to Wal*Mart and buy out the bubble wrap and pack my kid in it, for decades. More than anything, I want to take their pain and hide it, erase it, do whatever it takes to make sure it doesn’t happen.

Today is a day I stand with one foot in faith and the other in bubble wrap. The teen years are not easy to navigate for anyone, not for the teen, and not for the parent. I’m human and there are days I’m scared and want to give up. I’m still working through my childhood experiences, how can I possibly be fit to know how to lead this child through their years?

Faith for me is not about rules, but the relationship I have with Christ. He is my Source and strength, and He gives me strategies, revelation, encouragement, and yes, when I need it, a loving chastisement. He shows me things not from my perspective, but His, and it’s always just enough to spur me on instead of giving up. He’s made it clear that not only is this age group marked for greatness in furthering His Kingdom, this child of mine has special purpose. I have no idea what that means, but I know the plan to distract, discourage, and yes, ultimately destroy him is on much like your spy movie when an operative becomes a target.

My heaven-sent strategy?

Realize the devil’s plan is to make every believer feel defeated. As heaven never runs out of resources and will never need a budget, the devil has been in crisis mode since Calvary. Every time he uses a trick, his stash depletes, so he has to use easy plans that work.

To my child, and anyone reading this, YOU ARE NOT THE DEFEATED ONE, NOT EVER. That is the devil, truly defeated, always, never lose sight of that. You get a grip on that and watch the depression ease. In the name of Jesus’ I proclaim depression and the temptation to cut be sent packing back to hell where the idea came from.

The rest of the strategy? Put on my combat boots and stay on my knees.

Care to join me?

Images from Photobucket