Posts Tagged ‘mistakes’

Don’t think teens own the demographic on mistakes. I know the generation before mine was raised not to acknowledge mistakes and what a shame. My generation probably has allowed to receive too much guilt over their mistakes, admitted or not.

The millenium generation—those who are in their teens and twenties—you have the most potential of us all. You are free to make mistakes. Acknowledge them. Ask for forgiveness. Move on better than before the mistake.

Just like my teen shared in his post—to God, sin is sin. A lie is the same as murder to Him. If you have a relationship/friendship with Christ, the person next to you at heaven’s banquet will most likely surprise you.

It could be Mother Theresa.

It could also be Ted Bundy.

It doesn’t make sense, does it? Well we all have something in common with those two names.

We make mistakes. We sin.

We also have the opportunity to start over. Every single day.

Yesterday was a day. It’s felt like that for awhile. I feel like the world depends on me to hear their problems, and yet when I want to share my fears, my mistakes, my loneliness—my call is an echo in the woods no one hears. It’s been very busy, a lot of driving around for events, and I’m an introvert. I crave being alone. I energize from being away from crowds. So I’m done. Tired.

When home I’m spending hours helping another child with homework.  There doesn’t seem to be progress. So I’m not just tired, I’m feeling like a failure. I’m concerned.

And the cycle repeats.

I not only make mistakes, I feel like one.

You know what, writing that feels liberating.

How do I find freedom in writing such a confession?
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Because when I utter my mistakes and sins, the true defeated one doesn’t have the upper hand. He can’t get in my business. My authenticity and seeking God gives me access to Him, and in uttering not just my mistakes and sins, my desire for forgiveness from God because of my friendship with His Son, the devil has to shut up. And in Jesus’ name, that cowardly twit has to.

And something beautiful happens.

Oh, none of my circumstances have changed. I’m still busy, tired, and concerned.

But I’m not feeling like a mistake anymore.

I’m also not a failure.

But I know who is.

And it isn’t you!

I hope this encourages you today—no matter what doctors say, teachers write, so-called friends tease you with, you are not a failure.