Posts Tagged ‘extra layers’

The last post was about friendships and whether bad influences mark up your relationships. Well after an emotional, no good, burned out, cry all day kind of day, I got to thinking—

What do we allow to hang on us?

Not who do we hang around, but what hangs on us? If something hangs on us it means we chose to allow it there.

Like guilt.


Approval addiction.




This month I allowed way too much to hang on me. I knew I overextended my schedule and some of my activities were to please others when I knew I didn’t have the stamina to keep at it. I welcomed guilt to be the scarf around my neck with a tight chokehold.  Shame for choices that weren’t awful, but not what God wanted me to be doing, yet I kept choosing it anyway.

Yesterday I couldn’t manage any of it anymore, and realized I was wearing more layers than little brother Randy going outside in the movie, A Christmas Story. I couldn’t budge, and I felt like I was suffocating.

I chose to let those extra layers wrap themselves around me.

But I know, I also have the choice to let them go.

I literally put my nose to the floor and prayed. That isn’t a posture I take often, but for me it speaks of the desperation I’m in, and serious to talk with my heavenly Dad. I spoke every single choice, word, thought, and deed that I allowed to hang on me and I asked for His help.

Today isn’t rainbows and roses, but I feel better, lighter. I’m still burned out and it’s still up to me to get the proper rest. I have a peace that I can’t explain, but I know the source. God is my strength because of what Christ did for me. Like a little ballerina I felt like a spinning figure as Jesus unraveled the scarf and layers of guilt, people pleasing and everything else I had covering me.

Do you feel the same way? Do you feel burdened because you’ve taken on something you were never meant to “wear?”

Don’t let those extra layers paralyze your moving forward.

Learn from me!


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